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Know you’re getting the best data recovery services

Your business’ data is everything. It’s a compilation of all your projects, past and present, work processes, and informational resources. The only problem is it’s incredibly vulnerable, and it can’t protect itself. It takes a plan to do that. However, a plan on its own isn’t useful if it doesn’t work when you need it. While many companies already have what they believe is a good backup and disaster recovery (BDR) plan, it’s easy to forget one of the most critical parts, data recovery services.

Don’t get caught off guard when your data goes down by ensuring you have the best data recovery services, which always provide fast recovery solutions and test reliability.

Speed is essential in data recovery services

Data loss is expensive. According to Verizon, losing just 100 files can cost an organization a minimum of $18,120. That’s only accounting for actual losses. The amount of time it takes for your business to get its data back online also plays a critical role in minimizing financial damage. If your network is down, you can’t work.

According to Infrascale, the average cost of downtime for large companies is $700,000 per hour.

A variety of issues impact recovery time, one of which is how you store your backups. For this reason, your data recovery services should not only include redundancy but quick access to files.

There are multiple ways to store backups, each having advantages over the other. No matter what, your backup systems fall into two categories, local or Cloud storage.

Experienced IT professionals always consider your organization’s specific storage needs, with most suggesting a hybrid Cloud system, allowing your organization to leverage the strengths of both onsite and offsite backups.

Onsite storage provides near-immediate access to redundant files, while Cloud storage allows you to keep data offsite. The internet currently serves as the main bottleneck to Cloud recovery speeds.

No matter what kind of disaster takes your data down, the best data recovery services will align with your BDR plan and have your network online in the shortest time possible, depending on your available backups.

Reliability is key

Although data recovery is technically a reactive solution, the best services are proactive as well.

For your business to experience a successful restoration of its network, everything must return in perfect working order.

While an IT professional can automate many of your backups for frequency and redundancy, testing is something you never want to leave strictly to computers. For this reason, the best data recovery services include periodic testing of backups to ensure they are comprehensive and undamaged.

Square3: Your data recovery partner

Your data is invaluable to your business’ success. But data recovery services are only a portion of BDR, which supports your business’ continuity plan. As an experienced managed services provider, Square3 can help you with each piece. We’ll work with you to ensure your company always recovers from data loss – entirely and quickly.