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7 ways cloud computing can improve collaboration and productivity

If you own an SMB, the chances are that you’ve heard of cloud computing by now. A staggering 96% of organizations use cloud computing in some form or other, and it’s predicted that nearly 50% of companies using the cloud right now will become cloud-only workplaces by 2021.

Why is the cloud so popular, and how can it benefit your business?

Cloud computing and SMBs

Cloud computing gives SMBs round the clock access to files and applications, from any device, at a competitive price. These cost savings are naturally appealing to SMBs who want to grow and expand their operations cost-effectively.

Why teamwork matters

Teamwork, or collaboration, is central to any successful SMB. Everyone has an assigned role, and they understand how they fit into the company. Most importantly, colleagues can share ideas quickly, which facilitates growth, real-time discussion, and innovation.

Remember, every sector is competitive. With so many SMBs out there, collaborating to find the most creative solutions to consumer problems is the way forward.

How, then, does cloud computing support this teamwork? Is it really worth spending the money on a cloud platform? 

How cloud computing bolsters productivity and collaboration

If you’re still not sure whether cloud computing is right for your business, here are seven ways that cloud computing improves both productivity and teamwork throughout the average SMB.

1: Security

Since you can outsource your cloud cybersecurity to external IT specialists such as MSPs, your employees can enjoy peace of mind when they’re working on projects online. The enhanced security features may encourage more file sharing and communication between team members. It’s also securer for remote or at-home workers to share files with colleagues in the office. 

2: Connectivity

Cloud computing connects employees like never before. Teams can work on projects in real-time and collaborate through a streamlined, live platform. The cloud reduces the time spent on checking emails and messages on external apps because everything is integrated into the one location.

3: Efficiency

The cloud cuts down on the time it takes to perform tasks throughout the workday. Less time spent on each task means your staff can work through far more jobs each day. Essentially, your employees get more done in less time.

4: Talent acquisition

By working over the cloud, you’ll attract the best talent to your organization. How? Because the cloud means you can employ remote workers from anywhere. This widened talent pool brings fresh insights, creativity, and improved collaboration with your company.

5: Reduced downtime

With cloud computing, you’re no longer relying purely on internal hardware. Your IT department or MSP provider can remotely monitor your cloud around the clock and repair any problems with minimal delays. Fewer delays equate to enhanced workplace productivity. 

6: Scalability

You can easily increase or decrease your cloud space depending on business needs. Productivity isn’t limited by storage or connectivity problems. Your staff can get on with their jobs without worrying about running out of space.

7: Competitiveness

Cloud computing can allow you to access technologies generally only affordable for larger companies. This gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace against other SMBs who don’t utilize cloud technology, which makes you more attractive to clients.


Cloud computing can take your team’s performance to a whole new level of productivity and profitability. For more information on how to integrate cloud computing into your organization, contact our team today.